
Institutional data

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Institutional data

Common University Data Ontario (CUDO)

Ontario’s universities have worked together to develop and compile data to create CUDO, and to let students, parents and the public have ready access to information about each university.

What kind of information can I find on CUDO?

CUDO offers key data, in a common format, about Ontario’s universities:

  • Number of degrees awarded, student enrolment and entering averages – all by program;
  • Number of students living on campus and activities offered;
  • Student satisfaction;
  • First-year tuition and ancillary fees by program;
  • Number of teaching faculty;
  • Undergraduate class size, by year level;
  • Research awards granted; and
  • Graduation rates and employment rates by program.

CUDO has been designed to provide data that has been gathered on a consistent basis.

Recent and historical information for ÁùºÏͼ¿â is available below.

Visit the Council of Ontario Universities for similar information on other Ontario universities.